Original Art for sale | NEW CREAM
“Sull’acqua / On the water” curated by Francesca Calzà
Trasparente e allo stesso tempo multiforme l’elemento acquatico racchiude in sé significati allegorici e catartici, nelle sue profondità si nascondono l’origine della vita e lo scorrere inesorabile del tempo. L’acqua esercita da sempre il suo fascino sull’uomo e sulle arti visive, un’attrazione primordiale dovuta alla capacità di destrutturare le forme, confonderle, restituendo immagini frammentate e in leggero movimento.
La collezione «Sull'acqua» intende esplorare la portata di questa fascinazione sul contemporaneo presentando delle opere che traggono ispirazione dall’elemento acquatico giungendo a risultati molto diversi tra loro, spesso antitetici. Negli «Studi sulle acque profonde » condotti da Lena Shaposhnikova e nella serie intitolata «La Poetica dell’acqua» di VITO LO PICCOLO le deformazioni riflesse sull’acqua sono immagini latenti che si rivelano nella fantasia degli artisti avvolte da una bellezza intima e astratta che lascia le forme manifestarsi liberamente, dove la materia e i volumi perdono di definizione seguendo i moti pittorici e confondendosi nei giochi di luce.
Simili sono le sensazioni evocate dai dipinti di Celina Zen Moscuzza, nei quali le figure immergendosi perdono i loro contorni, addolciti, quasi cancellati, assumendo un aspetto nebuloso. Sono corpi che sfidano la profondità tuffandosi in un blu che rappresenta «Il passaggio» verso la sfera spirituale immaginata da Fabrizio Fragano o l’accesso ai «Mondi Sommersi» raffigurati da Ilaria Azzarini. Si tratta di una superficie specchiata su cui si infrange il reale lasciando spazio ad una dimensione onirica. Non possono che appartenere ad un sogno i fiori riflessi sull’acqua in «Riverbero». La pittura di Silvia Rosa predilige il gesto nel tentativo di sconfinare il perimetro della tela, creare immagini aperte, nelle quali le figure si sovrappongono e possono assumere molteplici significati. I riflessi sembrano plasmare una nuova esistenza parallela a quella terreste, gli elementi floreali sono dipinti e allo stesso tempo impressi nello stagno come se potessimo afferrarli. Essi assumono una forma ambigua nata dall’incontro tra l’immaginario e il reale, analogamente all’opera «Genesi» di Vincenzo Bonfante, dove il pittorico e lo scultoreo si amalgamano in una percezione unica che valica il limite della tecnica in favore del racconto.
A trasportarci in questo universo sottomarino è il Caronte moderno nato dal «Sogno al mare» di Andrea Ceddia. Questo traghettatore di anime sembra uscire da una luce divina, eppure è un personaggio di tutti i giorni, un pescatore sulla sua barca a remi che trasporta e si fa trasportare.
Lo scorrere dei fiumi è al centro di «Nel fluire vanno e vengono» di Matthias Krispien, in questo lavoro l’artista coglie un aspetto misterioso dei corsi d’acqua: percorrono continuamente lo stesso tratto portando sempre qualcosa di nuovo, sono un ponte tra passato, presente e futuro.
Il tema dell’immersione riaffiora nelle tele di Sofia Fresia, dove i soggetti sono calati in un’atmosfera sospesa, ovattata, nella quale anche le passioni più forti sembrano offuscate da un velo che ne smorza l’intensità, come avviene con suoni, colori e movimenti sott’acqua. In quel silenzio brulicante di vita si muovono i cetacei ritratti da William Rizzardi, eppure a disturbare quella quiete intervengono «I frutti di mare» ironicamente presentati da Johanna Virtanen, fattori estranei, rifiuti delle attività umane. Il mare e l’uomo sono legati da un rapporto conflittuale nutrito da antiche tradizioni intorno alle quali si sono formate intere comunità. Uomini che a bordo dei loro velieri si spingono verso l’orizzonte e donne che pescano sulla riva, le opere di EDSLIGHT e CESINO sono sguardi a volte fugaci ed altre pazienti e osservatori rivolti al mare e a tutti i suoi misteri.
Transparent and at the same time multiform, the aquatic element holds allegorical and cathartic meanings, in its depths are hidden the origin of life and the relentless flowing of time. Water has always exerted its fascination on the human beings and the visual arts. It is a primordial attraction due to its ability to deconstruct forms, confuse them, and return fragmented and slightly moving images. The collection "On the Water" aims to explore the importance of this fascination on the contemporary by presenting works that take inspiration from the aquatic element arriving at antithetical results. In the "Studies of deep water " conducted by Lena Shaposhnikova and in the series entitled «La poetica dell’acqua" by VITO LO PICCOLO, the deformations reflected in the water are latent images that reveal themselves in the artist’s imagination. The artworks are wrapped in an intimate and abstract beauty, which lets forms manifest themselves freely, where matter and volumes lose their definition following the pictorial motions and blending into the play of light. Similar to the sensations evoked by Celina Zen Moscuzza's paintings, in which the immersed figures lose their contours that are softened, almost erased, assuming a vague appearance. They are bodies that challenge the depths by diving into a blue representing "The Passage" to the spiritual sphere imagined by Fabrizio Fragano or the access to the "Submerged Worlds" depicted by Ilaria Azzarini. It’s a mirrored surface on which reality is shattered, leaving space for a oneiric dimension. The flowers reflected in the water in "Riverbero" belong to a dream. In her painting Silvia Rosa prefers gestures that overpass the perimeter of the canvas, creating open images in which figures overlap with each other and have multiple meanings. Reflections seem to shape a new existence parallel to the earthly one; the floral elements are painted and at the same time imprinted in the pond as if we could grasp them. They take on an ambiguous form born in the moment of the encounter between the imaginary and the real, analogously to the work "Genesis" by Vincenzo Bonfante, where the pictorial and the sculptural element are amalgamated into a unique perception that crosses the boundary of technique in favor of the storytelling. It’s a modern Charon the main character of the «Dream at the sea» by Andrea Ceddia, a mythological figure that seems to come out of the divine light, but he is a common fisherman sitting on his rowboat. The flowing of rivers is at the center of Matthias Krispien's "In the flowing are coming and going», in this work the artist captures a mysterious aspect of waterways: they continually traverse the same stretch but they always bring something new, they represent a bridge between past, present and future. The theme of immersion resurfaces in Sofia Fresia's canvases, where the subjects are dropped into a suspended, muffled atmosphere, in which even the strongest passions seem to be obscured by a veil that dampens their intensity as happens with sounds, colors and movements underwater. In that silence full of life the cetaceans portrayed by William Rizzardi are disturbed by the presence of Johanna Virtanen's «Seafood» because this fruits are only extraneous factors: the waste produced by human activities. Sea and men are linked by a conflictual relationship nurtured by ancient traditions around which entire communities are born. Men push their sailing ships toward the horizon and women fish on the shore, EDSLIGHT and CESINO's works are sometimes fleeting and other times patient and observant glances turned to the sea and all its mysteries.
Transparent and at the same time multiform, the aquatic element holds allegorical and cathartic meanings, in its depths are hidden the origin of life and the relentless flowing of time. Water has always exerted its fascination on the human beings and the visual arts. It is a primordial attraction due to its ability to deconstruct forms, confuse them, and return fragmented and slightly moving images. The collection "On the Water" aims to explore the importance of this fascination on the contemporary by presenting works that take inspiration from the aquatic element arriving at antithetical results. In the "Studies of deep water " conducted by Lena Shaposhnikova and in the series entitled «La poetica dell’acqua" by VITO LO PICCOLO, the deformations reflected in the water are latent images that reveal themselves in the artist’s imagination. The artworks are wrapped in an intimate and abstract beauty, which lets forms manifest themselves freely, where matter and volumes lose their definition following the pictorial motions and blending into the play of light. Similar to the sensations evoked by Celina Zen Moscuzza's paintings, in which the immersed figures lose their contours that are softened, almost erased, assuming a vague appearance. They are bodies that challenge the depths by diving into a blue representing "The Passage" to the spiritual sphere imagined by Fabrizio Fragano or the access to the "Submerged Worlds" depicted by Ilaria Azzarini. It’s a mirrored surface on which reality is shattered, leaving space for a oneiric dimension. The flowers reflected in the water in "Riverbero" belong to a dream. In her painting Silvia Rosa prefers gestures that overpass the perimeter of the canvas, creating open images in which figures overlap with each other and have multiple meanings. Reflections seem to shape a new existence parallel to the earthly one; the floral elements are painted and at the same time imprinted in the pond as if we could grasp them. They take on an ambiguous form born in the moment of the encounter between the imaginary and the real, analogously to the work "Genesis" by Vincenzo Bonfante, where the pictorial and the sculptural element are amalgamated into a unique perception that crosses the boundary of technique in favor of the storytelling. It’s a modern Charon the main character of the «Dream at the sea» by Andrea Ceddia, a mythological figure that seems to come out of the divine light, but he is a common fisherman sitting on his rowboat. The flowing of rivers is at the center of Matthias Krispien's "In the flowing are coming and going», in this work the artist captures a mysterious aspect of waterways: they continually traverse the same stretch but they always bring something new, they represent a bridge between past, present and future. The theme of immersion resurfaces in Sofia Fresia's canvases, where the subjects are dropped into a suspended, muffled atmosphere, in which even the strongest passions seem to be obscured by a veil that dampens their intensity as happens with sounds, colors and movements underwater. In that silence full of life the cetaceans portrayed by William Rizzardi are disturbed by the presence of Johanna Virtanen's «Seafood» because this fruits are only extraneous factors: the waste produced by human activities. Sea and men are linked by a conflictual relationship nurtured by ancient traditions around which entire communities are born. Men push their sailing ships toward the horizon and women fish on the shore, EDSLIGHT and CESINO's works are sometimes fleeting and other times patient and observant glances turned to the sea and all its mysteries.
The collection’s works