Have Fun, Sofia Fresia - T.O.E. Art Market
T.O.E. Art Market supports artists and galleries all over the world. Discover the artworks

Have Fun, Sofia Fresia - T.O.E. Art Market

T.O.E. Art Market, the new online marketplace to buy and sell art, find the original paintings, fine art photographs, and drawings such as a museum of modern art and contemporary art. T.O.E. Art Market will allow you to enter directly into the modern art and contemporary art market through a vast worldwide network of Artists, Buyers, Art Lovers, Art Advisors, Art Dealers, and Galleries. T.O.E Art Market is the best place to see artworks and art for sale online.

Original Art for sale | Painting

Sofia Fresia

Views: 10

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Shipped from Torino, Italy
Shipping costs: 110 € local, 250 € international

Packaged in cardboard box

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Have Fun
Olio su tela / 2023
cm 130x100x3
Price 1000 €

L’opera, dal titolo irriverente, porta avanti una riflessione sul rapporto tra le attività ricreative e lo sfruttamento delle risorse naturali. La montagna e le piste da sci sullo sfondo sono liberamente ispirate al versante nord est del monte Mondolè nelle Alpi Marittime, sulle cui pendici sorge il comprensorio sciistico dove ho trascorso gran parte degli inverni della mia infanzia e adolescenza.