Elisa Carollo - T.O.E. Art Market
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Elisa Carollo - T.O.E. Art Market

T.O.E. Art Market, the new online marketplace to buy and sell art, find the original paintings, fine art photographs, and drawings such as a museum of modern art and contemporary art. T.O.E. Art Market will allow you to enter directly into the modern art and contemporary art market through a vast worldwide network of Artists, Buyers, Art Lovers, Art Advisors, Art Dealers, and Galleries. T.O.E Art Market is the best place to see artworks and art for sale online.

Original Art for sale | Curator

Elisa Carollo

Views: 731


About the curator
Elisa Carollo is an Art Advisor and USPAP-compliant ISA (International Society of Appraisers) member Appraiser, with her focus on XX century and contemporary art. She holds an MA in Art, Law and Business from Christie's New York and a BA in Marketing and management of Cultural and Creative Industries from IULM University, Milan. She has now +7 years of experiences in the art business between brokerage, art fairs, auctions and cultural organizations. After her experience with the New York art world and with an international art advisory firm in the city, she served as advisor and curator for the strategic growth of Benetton’s family new art foundation in Italy, as well as working as freelance advisor for collectors, galleries, art fairs, and artists, and writing about art and its market for international magazines and platforms. She’s Editor for Art She Says, an international platform to empower women in the arts, and writes Giornale dell' Arte. She often offers lectures and host artist interviews on different media channels. She’s now back in New York serving as co-director of Pintô International, the New-York outpost of a Manila-based most important museum for Contemporary Art in the Philippines, aimed at promoting contemporary Filipino artists on an international stage. ------------ Elisa Carollo è un Art Advisor e Appraiser membro ISA (International Society of Appraisers) conforme a USPAP, con un focus sull'arte del XX secolo e contemporanea. Ha conseguito un MA in Art, Law and Business da Christie's New York e un BA in Marketing e Management delle industrie culturali e creative presso l'Università IULM, Milano. Ha +7 anni di esperienza nel business dell’arte fra mercato, fiere d’arte, case d’asta e organizzazioni culturali. Dopo l'esperienza con il mondo dell'arte di New York e con una società internazionale di art advisory in città, è consulente e curatrice per la crescita strategica della nuova fondazione per l'arte della famiglia Benetton in Italia, oltre a lavorare come consulente freelance per collezionisti, gallerie, fiere d'arte e artisti, e scrivere di arte e del suo mercato per riviste e piattaforme internazionali. È redattrice di Art She Says, una piattaforma internazionale per dare potere alle donne nelle arti, e scrive per il Giornale dell'Arte. Offre spesso conferenze e ospita interviste con artisti su diversi canali media. Rientrata a New York, è ora co-direttrice di Pintô International, la sede di New York del più importante museo per l'arte contemporanea nelle Filippine con sede a Manila, volto a promuovere gli artisti contemporanei filippini sulla scena internazionale.